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No.59 Jimmy:
What did you think first when you heard about the bubble?

The I mean, it sounded crazy.
I mean, it is crazy, like just the fact that we're 'A' here.
But when I first heard it, I'm like,
"Well, there's no way they can do that, right?"

And then what what sold you?
Like, "Okay, they really have thought this out."
Was there a moment?

Yeah. For me, it was a couple things.
So, we started we started doing workouts back in Philly
with our at our team practice facility.
And that was, like, a scaleddown version
of kind of what we're doing here.
And I felt pretty good about that.
And then they also sent out this manual, I guess,
like, this of what they're going to be doing.
It was like over a hundred pages
of the health protocols and everything.
And I was like I mean, I didn't 'B' it,
but I definitely saw that if they're going to put
that much into... to send to players,
I was like, "Okay, they definitely put some..."

It's almost like the Apple terms and conditions.
You're like, "Yeah, I accept."
Yeah. Laughs ] "I'm not gonna read it."
Yeah. Please.

what those 'A','B' would be
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