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No.63 that's easier to study hurricanes those
are large synoptic scale features
that that are pretty easy to get your
hands on and to look at the structure
where a tornado might last for five
minutes it might last for two minutes
you know that's
hard to identify any kind of climate
signal on one thunderstorm you just
can't do that right now

one of the biggest problems with our
inability to 'A' tornadoes
is that it also means we don't know how
they're linked to climate change

our tornado records only go back
reliably until the 1950s so
really in the scheme of things that's
not long especially when it comes to
climate climate being considered
three decades or greater

what we do know
is that tornadoes are
happening more often in places where
they hadn't before
so we're seeing a shift in what we've
considered tornado alley

we do know a lot when it's coming to
temperature and precipitation so
temperature you know saying 30 to 50
years from now some of the climate that
we're seeing in texas
could move all the way to oklahoma and
obviously part of the fuel for tornadoes
you have heat you have humidity so that
result in more drastic weather events

but a warming climate does not
mean there will be an increase in the
overall number of tornadoes
the 'B' is still uncertain the
only observable change is an
increase in the number of tornado
which are days where multiple tornadoes
occur at once

what those 'A','B' would be
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